This little fellow was so very curious. I was coming back from a chiropractor appointment so I was just in a thin t shirt and yoga pants on the March afternoon. I noticed this little fellow of in a clump of brush and decided to walk around to the other side in hopes he would walk by. Before I got a chance to even think about getting there he changed direction and headed my way. I got ready and started to take pictures. He kept coming so I took off my jacket to lay on it to get some eye level shots. He kept coming closer and closer and closer. I finally got up and moved down the road and lay down again. The skunk again came straight towards me. This went on more than a dozen times. I finally decided to stand up and just see what would happen. The skunk came right to my leg and started pawing my thin pants. I must have jerked because at this point he sprang into that ridged straight leg posture you don't want to see. We faced off and ever so slowly I moved backwards and so did the skunk. Disaster evaded I got a few more shots of this sweet guy before he meandered off through the field.